
Sunday, November 27, 2016



Students that choose an undecided major need to know that it is not a waste. Instead of rushing into a major, being undecided allows students to explore different classes and gives them time to find their future career. The concept of students entering college knowing what they want to do during their four years is not realistic. First year students are still growing academically, socially, and physically. There is no need to just pick a major if one is not fully set on it. By going through the experience of being undecided, it forms individuals into being more rounded and diverse from others. Although the process can be stressful, most say it is worth it in the end.






-Get prerequisites out of the way

-Opportunities to enroll in different types of classes
-Discovery of interests is able to roam freely

- The experience of different teaching styles is brought forward

-Become a well rounded and diverse student
-More time to think and discover
-Will take longer to graduate

-Not many students are undecided

-Undecided students are too lazy to decide their future and do not care what path they end up on

-Students will not be able to get into the program they want for the future

-Conversing with peers about majors

-Clubs on campus

-Professors and their office hours

-Career advisors


-Career services

-Career assessments and quizzes
Blogs to refer to:

- Perks of Being Undecided

Blogs to refer to:

- Recognizing Truth
-Asking Questions and Breaking Assumptions

Blogs to refer to:

-Finding Your Career Path
-Career Aptitude Quiz
-Undecided Research

For students that need help with deciding on a major for the future, there are many ways to receive further help. With the resources available on campus, there are also online quizzes that can take to lead someone in the direction of their future major. Although the quizzes may not fully make one decide on a certain major right away, they are helpful with highlighting an individual’s strengths and interests. After drawing out these abilities, related fields and careers are presented in hopes of leading an individual to a future career they fit well in and enjoy doing. Some helpful quizzes that may help are:

-Julia, Hannah, Golda, and Luke

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