
Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Helpful Online Resource

If you are interested in learning about the career options that your major could lead to there are many online resources available to do so.   You can learn what kinds of skills you will obtain in the process of studying that major, and about what kinds of things you will be doing or what options you have to go forward with once learning that skill set. 

Here is a link to a really helpful website on that subject:

My focus in my studio arts major will be photography, here is a small fragment of information that this website provided for my major: 
Photography majors learn how to use cameras and film to express ideas, trigger emotion, and convey information. Topics of study include the operation and maintenance of cameras; darkroom technique; and lighting, composition, and color.

Are You Ready To...?
·       Spend money on equipment and supplies
·       Compete for darkroom and computer time
·       Visit museums and galleries to study other photographers
·       Display your work in student shows
·       Take academic as well as photography classes
·       Learn the rules even as you break them
·       Learn standard techniques as you develop your own style
·       Work independently
·       Build a portfolio for graduation
·       Snap hundreds of photos while trying for a keeper
·       Search for new ideas
·       Experiment with film and digital photography
·       Listen to and learn from criticism of your work

It Helps To Be...
A visual thinker who loves looking at the world through a viewfinder. If you’re an artist with a techie side, you’ll enjoy working with cameras and in the darkroom.
College Checklist
·       Does the school offer a major in photography or in art with a concentration in photography?
·       Do you need to prepare a portfolio to be accepted into the school or the major?
·       Will you earn a B.A. or B.F.A (bachelor of fine arts)?
·       Does the program focus more on fine art or commercial photography? Does it emphasize darkroom photography over digital photography?
·       Are the facilities well maintained and up-to-date? Is there current digital technology as well as traditional equipment?
·       Is there enough darkroom time and space available for students to do their work? How is darkroom time shared between majors and nonmajors?
·       How many courses outside the department will you take? Can you combine your photography degree with course work in business, teaching, or another related area?

·       Are there any art museums or galleries on or near campus?”


"Photography College Degree Programs - The College Board." Photography College Degree Programs - The College Board. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was nice to be able to read all of the main points in a bulleted list and informed me well. The post is well thought out and organized in an easy way to understand. Formatting could have been slightly better and more consistent. A summary or conclusion at the end would have been nice to wrap up and show that you've said your main point. I would like to know more about how the school prepares a student for a professional job in this field.
