
Sunday, November 20, 2016

#3 Exploring Communication

This week I got a chance to sit down with Holden Holsinger, an undecided student currently enrolled in MSU's prestigious James Madison College. Holsinger held a stellar grade point throughout high school and continues to challenge himself academically. However, even a student who, on pen and paper, appears like they should know their path in life, Holden feels the same uncertainty that a majority of college students feel. His main drive in discovering his future major is to explore options that capture his interest and mirror his passions, and he advises fellow students in his situation to do the same. He expresses interest in pursuing a major that gets him fired up and excited, while additionally offering lucrative and practical opportunities. While he does feel that his uncertainty may be holding him back and limiting him from knocking out otherwise easy prerequisites, he too stresses to "find something that sparks your passion and check that out."

In short, even students enrolled in high level courses feel the same uncertainty you may be feeling. It is okay to not know, but it is crucial that you use your time wisely and research your interests. Who knows, you could find yourself discovering a future career that you didn't even know existed.


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