
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Prompt #5- Observing a Community

            I decided to join the MSU Clay Club.  I knew I wanted to find a time and space where I could work in an open studio especially in ceramics because I spent a lot of my senior year of high school doing the same thing.  The club leaders provide demos weekly or bi-weekly on different clay techniques.  At the first meeting I learned about the 35$ club fee, where all the materials and tools are located, the times of the meetings and about the firing process in their studio.  This club provides the space and materials for me to further explore ceramics, it is always a nice way to relax on Friday mornings and talk to friends in the club, to create things without having to worry about grades or deadlines and to learn new techniques.  Joining different clubs is the best way to meet people that are interested in the same things as you, to learn more about your potential major or to explore other majors and talk to people in them.  
         The club represents itself and communicates to others by putting up posters around the arts buildings and community spaces.  They also have speakers and representatives from the club that briefly go to recruit members from art classes and to the incoming freshmen art majors.  Within the club emails are sent weekly for communication and announcements are made during studio hours by the leaders of the club.  The club seems to represent itself and what it offers truthfully to the public.


Image Source: "Ceramic Stuff." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.

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