
About Us

Hi! We are a group of freshmen who attend MSU. Our names are Hannah, Julia, Luke, and Golda. Within this blog, we will be exploring what it means to be undecided and the process of deciding what we potentially want to major in. Upon the four of us, three are deciding on going into the field of Psychology and one in the Arts. Since we are writing from different perspectives, our individual interests will be reflected in each of our posts. Below, you will be able to read about each one of us on a more personal level. 

Hi! My name is Hannah. As of now, I am undecided on the field I would prefer to go into for the future. This semester I am enrolled in a criminal justice course along with psychology as a starting point. Throughout this year as a freshman, I anticipate on narrowing my broad options down and focusing in on a possible profession for the upcoming years to study. In order to do so, my blog posts will be exploring my personal interests as well as researching and looking into many different fields.

Hi! My name is Julia and I am currently undecided in my major. Since I am not fully sure what I want to major in, I decided that I would take a sociology class this semester and a psychology class next semester. I have no experience in this field but I have always been intrigued by it. From being in my sociology class for only a few weeks, I realized that I would love my future job to consist of interacting with others. 

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