
Sunday, November 6, 2016


As the first semester is almost coming to an end, stress to find a major or classes to take for the next semester quickly arises. It is a big deal in the end, but as of right now as a freshman, it really isn’t. With many pressures and fears of making a mistake, I find myself in the exact position. At first, I felt alone and thought for sure everyone else had their life planed out. After coming here, talking to many people, and looking up many resources, I found that I am far from being alone. As the career guidance office will be a stop for me sometime this week along with finding classes to for the second semester, there are somethings I have to keep in mind. 

A major does not have to dictate exactly what you do as a career in the future for the rest of your life. For example, only 27% of college grads end up having a career related to their major. The opportunities out there are countless. Its all about discovering what is out there and what you love doing. You never really truly know if you like something until you actually try it. So many people jump into different careers as the the average person will change careers around 3 times. It takes time and patience to find yourself sometimes, but in the end its worth it all.  

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