
Monday, October 3, 2016

Perks of Being Undecided

A solid amount of the people around you have known what they wanted to do since they were a child. Just because you are an undecided major, does not mean it is a bad thing.  Being undecided comes with some benefits that people that have a major do not get to have.
10 benefits:
#1: You may be favored more while your application is being looked at. This means that you are praised that even though you are undecided, you still want to go to college for an education. If you apply undecided, it shows that you have an open mind and are interested in numerous fields.

#2: You have an advantage to explore different classes. You are lucky because you have a large variety of classes to test out. Since you are not committed to a field, you do not have to feel as if you are all over the place in classes since you have no preference. 

#3: You have an advantage of being invited to more events rather than a person who has a major. You will most likely get invited to different events, to be able to explore options, which people you have a preference do not get invited to all of them. 

#4: Being undecided allows you to fall in love with different fields. Having the advantage of taking different types of classes lets you realize what you like and what you do not like. Say you take a sociology class just for fun, you end up loving it, then that can lead you to the field you want to go into. 

#5: You have more of a diverse schedule than someone who has a major already. You can worry a little bit less than everyone else and just explore classes to see what you are interested in. You want to make sure you try out as many different classes as you can to see where it will lead you to in your college career. 

#6: You will enjoy your junior and senior year courses much more. If you decided on your major sometime during sophomore year, then junior and senior year are time to get all the required classes in for your major. You went 1-2 years exploring and finding the major for you, and now its time to really focus. 

#7: Once you declare your major, you will be able to handle them much better. Junior and senior year will most likely be your harder classes, but you will be more prepared for them. Your first two years you were able to develop the skills needed to succeed in your declared major. 

#8: Get your prerequisites out of the way. You should focus on getting most of the prerequisites classes done so your last two years will be focused on classes you actually want to take for your major. 

#9: Get to experience different teaching styles and professors. Since you may take classes that are not in common, you may go from being in a huge lecture hall or a seminar class or even an online class. You will learn different techniques for different classes and will figure out which ways of studying and learning the material are best for you. 

#10: Being undecided makes your time at the University more unique. You are much more open to things than you would have been if you declared a major. You will learn to challenge yourself and meet new people. Remember--there is no rush at all, just do what is best for you and you will eventually find the major perfect for you. 

For more details on benefits of being undecided, you can go to:


Kelli Lynn Lucier. 10 Benefits of Being an Undecided Major. Retrieved October 3, 2016, from About Education

Undecided. 2016. 3 Reasons Being Undecided Was The Best Decision I Ever Made. Web. 27. Nov. 2016

1 comment:

  1. I agree that being undecided is a great way to explore the university and different options for your major choice. My question is how long do you think someone can be undecided until it becomes a bad thing? As in they waited too long to chose a major.
