
Sunday, October 30, 2016

#1 Asking Questions and Breaking Assumptions


Over the past few weeks we've gone into detail about what being an undecided college major is like, and now we'd like to look back at some common assumptions that people make about the undecided major and apply some of the insights we've observed.

Its common for people to view undecided college students in a negative light. Its all too easy to assume someone is undecided because they're too lazy to decide their future, or that they simply don't care about what path they end up on. However, we've outlined the many benefits of being an undecided major. Undecided students have a moreover positive mentality than that of declared students, as they are not restricted by a major. The realities that undeclared students face on a daily basis are largely the same as most students with the added benefit of a feeling of self exploration and discovery. Its plain to see that these misguided preconceptions held about undecided students simply don't hold up to reality.



  1. I love the way you worded this. I am in the same boat as you and I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders because I don't know what I want to do with my life. This is definitely because of the way society has portrayed knowing your major instantly. I feel like it is perfectly okay to not know yet, as we have so many years ahead. Our interests, values, and experiences change, so we shouldn't be expected to know so soon. In fact, most people who declare their major early end up changing it more frequently than those who do not, so we're in luck! I hope you end up figuring out your major soon. Best of luck!

  2. I couldn't agree more. People should use their first two years of college to explore themselves and find their interests, not work towards a major they ultimately change anyway. It's important for people to realize its okay to be uncertain, that there's time to discover passions and interests, and that college is the perfect place to do it.
