
Saturday, October 22, 2016

What Can You Do With An Art Major?

Some people are turned off when they hear "art major".  There are many stigmas around art majors and the topic often becomes taboo because people tend to think that people pursuing art majors are doomed and that a degree in art is useless in our current culture because of its restrictiveness and competitive nature.  Many also believe that it is impossible to make a living on any kind of art.  It is perfectly okay to follow a career path that many others question as long as you are comfortable and confident in yourself and happy with what you decide to do.
There are way more career options than one could even imagine for a particular major.  Some careers that can be pursued with studio art majors are: painter, sculptor, potter, photographer, graphic designer, illustrator, art teacher, art therapist, commercial artist, cartoonist, art gallery owner, art critic, curator, interior decorator, and many more.  It is not unusual for fine artists fresh out of schooling to experiment with different career options.  It is always possible to switch or to go back to school and study something else.
Career advisors and service centers are great resources to utilize early on.  They are trained to be knowledgeable about options for the future with your intended major.  Take advantage of what they have to offer.


Thetard, Anna. "5 Struggles Of Being An Art Major - the Lala." The Lala. N.p., 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.

"Uva's Rigging Guide for Studio and Location." (2000): n. pag. Fine Arts Career Services. University of Texas, Austin, July 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2016. <>.

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