
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Questions to ask yourself before picking a major

After picking the college for you, you have to decide what you're going to be studying. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help figure out the major for you.

#1: Why do I want this major? - Some students tend to be influenced by their family or friends when they are choosing their major. You have to make sure you are interested in it for your own good. 

#2: Do I know enough about this major?- Some majors may interest you by the name of it, but you do not really know all the work that goes into that field of study until you research about it. Before you decide on your major, definitely look into what classes are required to get a degree in it. 

#3: Is my college strong in this major? - Certain colleges are known for certain majors, with some majors not having the strongest department for you. Definitely make sure there are enough courses offered in the field of your choice and that the teachers are experts in the field. 

#4: What are the career opportunities? -Make sure to think about how many job opportunities would be offered. Do not just think about it for the present time, make sure you think about it in 4 years when you graduate and have a degree then. Think to yourself 'could I get a job in this field when I graduate, or will there be no opportunities then'.

#5: Am I good at this major? - If you have no ability in that field, it is not for you. Going into a major with having no skills in that field will only stress you out and be wasting your time. 

#6: Is it the right time to declare a major? - Most colleges encourage you to pick a major right away, but you should not feel pressured at all. Not having a major the first year is a normal thing for students. Take the time to explore classes if you are unsure. On the other hand, if the major you are leaning towards has a lot of requirements and you are almost positive that you want to go into that, then declare the major. It will help you in the end so you do not have to stress over taking too many credits in a semester or worrying about not graduating on time. 

To get more details on what to ask yourself before declaring a major, go to: 

Jacobs, Lynn F., and Jeremy S. Hyman. "10 Question to Ask Before Picking a Major." U.S. News. 16 Dec. 2009

What Am I Supposed to Do? 2016. 5 Things College Freshman With Undecided Majors Are Tired of Hearing. By Grace Williams. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

Undecided is Not a Major. 2009. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

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