
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ten Mistakes You Can Make

As we all know, picking a college major is VERY difficult. Like said before, many students throughout their studies end us switching majors numerous times. To help prevent this from happening, there are ten dumb mistakes that can be made by college students when choosing a major. I found these ten mistakes very useful as it made me think more vividly about my future and narrow my choices down a little bit more. 


#1 Choosing for Income 
Money is important, but it is not something that you should totally base your career off of. The best way to go is to go off of what interests you the most and what makes you happy. 

#2 Letting Authority Figures Influence You Too Much 
Don’t let anyone else's thoughts or opinions influence you to pull away from what you want or go into something that you totally don't want to. You are your own person and you are in control of your own decisions. 

#3 Trying to “Find Your Passion”
If you don't have an interest but don’t feel it’s your “passion”, stick with it anyway. See how things turn out and take it from there. 

#4 Failing to Do Your Due Diligence 
Make sure to do research on career opportunities. College is an investment and choices should be made wisely.

#5 Not Getting Experience ASAP 
You don't know if you like or dislike something until you try it out. Internships are a great way to get the inside scoop of a career you are interested in. 

#6 Following Your Friends 
It is importing to follow what you want to do and be different from others around you. Be your own person and be sure to force yourself outside of your comfort zone sometimes.

#7 Focusing Too Much on Sunk Costs 
Sometimes giving up on something opens benefits up for the future. Try and evaluate your past progress only for how it relates to your future and move on from there on.

#8 Double Majoring Without a Good Reason 
Only double major for the right reasons as they can take up a lot of time. It can be a lot to take on in the already busy schedule. 

#9 Waiting Too Long to Choose 
Seek out as much experience as you can right away. It is going to take work, but the longer you hold off, the longer it will be until you can actually do that work. 

#10 Choosing Based on a Romanticized Image 
TV can falsely show the way jobs actually are. This romanticized image can make people turn towards certain career paths. Reality is not really what it is portrayed on TV.


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