
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Is choosing an undecided major a good idea?

Perhaps the most common advise given to college students is that if you don't know your major, you should just go undecided and take a few courses to find out what you want to do. While choosing to be undecided can be the right move for some, it may not be in everybody's best interest. Taking a few courses to decide what you want to do can be expensive. Students that go in undecided also tend to take longer to graduate, which of course in turn leads to more debt. Its important to keep in mind a career plan, and to take the necessary steps required to fulfill that plan. By focusing on who you are as a person and identifying what you enjoy doing, you thereby discover your path in life. 


  1. I enjoyed this post because it gives you the choice to decide if an undecided major is right for you. I'm glad you included pros and cons from both sides. When did you know that an undecided major was right for you? And how long do you think you can stay in that major without it hurting your chances of graduation on time? thanks for sharing your information. I found it very helpful.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I knew an undecided major was the best fit for me fairly early in the college application process, as I had no idea what I wanted to do. However, I would say that you should have a fair idea of the direction you want to take in life by the end of your sophomore year.
