
Sunday, October 16, 2016

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing your Major

What is your passion?

One surprising thing that is actually usually ignored in the college planning process is ones general interest and passion. Its very easy to look at a major by its worth, what type of job it will earn you, and how profitable you could become by enlisting in this field. It is important to decide what you genuinely want to do so you can be happy in your life. 

What is the earning potential of your interest?

It is important to weigh the earning potential of your many options against the actual desire to perform in that profession. Its easy to look at the top end careers and decide to dedicate yourself to them, but they are not the only option to live both happily and comfortably. 

What schools offer your major of interest?

Though it may seem a little pragmatic, its always a good idea to ensure that your school of interest offers your major of interest. 

How much will it cost?

You will have to consider how much money it will take to enroll and relocate, as well as how many years of schooling are required for your ideal profession. Balancing work and college is NOT an easy thing, so you will have to be realistic with your time and weigh whether or not that much schooling is right for you. 

Determine in what areas of life are you most successful?

Reflect and look at the areas of school and life that you have done well in. It may be that your passion and what your good at don't line up, but more often than not they'll go hand in hand. If uncertain about what areas you excel in, ask those around you, and they'll be able to tell you. 

What is the work load like? 

If you have to work and attend school at the same time, it is important to consider the work load of a given major. You may have to decide if you have the time to pursue your schooling and pay for it at the same time. You can always check with your counselor to see what majors have light or heavy work loads. 

How will you pay for it?

Variations exist between scholarships and different majors. The amount of financial aid available to you will change with your major, so it is important to know how much support you get with each major. 


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