
Friday, September 23, 2016

#6 Evaluating Sources

Upon the topic of being undecided, I really didn’t think there would be too much talk or as many people in the same position. When looking up some arguments, I stumbled upon one that made a strong connection as it pertained a very similar viewpoint that I find within myself.

 In Payton Luokkala’s viewpoint, she made the argument that there are many perks of being undecided and that there is no need to frown upon it. She can’t help but worry in herself along with the future as it just comes naturally, but ultimate positivity is presented in her tone and choice of wording. She made the statement that “life” is her answer to those that ask what she is studying. While it seems that most know what they are studying, the decision of what to in your life shouldn't be chosen by forced self-pressure. Statistics show that most college students end up changing their major at least three times throughout their time in school. She continues by saying that most people believe that people that don't have a specific goal in school end up doing worse. On the other hand, the undecided do have the goal of figuring out a specific goal. Exploring helps us in the process.

 From what I've learned, by going through this experience of being undecided, it forms individuals into being more well rounded and diverse from others. Students get to explore more things and see different aspects of different fields as they do not cut their vision off to a specific field. We are brave.

- Hannah  

"Viewpoint: The perks of being undecided." UWIRE Text 17 Feb. 2015: 1. Infotrac Newsstand. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.

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